Tamara Wilhite has an astounding post here. I saw it on The Light of Reason, where the outraged response is somewhat less than reasonable, but entirely justified.
According to Wilhite, one of the reasons that our enemies in the present war hate us is because of our sexual freedom:
These Muhajadeen—mad Muslim Men—hate us. Their real reason is that we refuse to roll over and cry Mullah. Their stated reasons are our evil vice and our support for Israel. How does the failure of the Federal Marriage Amendment play into their hands? Not only do we allow our women to go unveiled. Not only do we allow our daughters to have sex outside of marriage. Not only do we allow abortion. Not only do we allow women equal rights. We dare to allow homosexuality to exist.
Let us pause here to reflect that we do not allow homosexuality to exist. To allow implies that “we” have it within our rights to “stop” homosexuality—i.e., that we might justifiably use coercion to punish homosexual behavior. It is the very fact that American political institutions recognize no such collective right that sets us apart. Rather, we believe that all people have certain inalienable rights, and that the state does not have some floating mass of universal authority over our lives.
In any case, Wilhite continues:
In Muslim countries, the punishment for homosexuality ranges from death to a long prison sentence…. Not only do we allow homosexuals to exist. Not only don’t we allow them to live, we tolerate them living in the open…. Now, worst of all, we are granting them equal parity in the law…. [T]hat is…giving the green light to sin…. We have just given the signal that we are the Sodom and Gomorrah cesspool they accuse us of being…. If buses of Israeli schoolchildren die for Israel’s existence and Spanish commuters die for their government having a few hundred peacekeepers in Iraq, I wonder how big the gay target will be bombed in protest for this evil.
Astounding. Imagine for a moment that it’s 1943. Wilhite’s grandmother writes an article that says “These Nazis—mad German Men—hate us. Their real reason is that we refuse to roll over and cry Fuhrer. Their stated reasons are our evil vice and our support for the Jews. Not only do we allow Jews to go without yellow stars on their clothes, now, worst of all, we are granting them equal parity in the law. We have just given the signal that we are the Jewish cesspool they accuse us of being….”
Wilhite herself agrees with our enemies. She believes the secular, free, skeptical American culture must submit, must serve, must obey the mystical words of religion and its tyrants. She agrees with the Mullahs that America’s secular foundations make it evil, and she believes we ought to apologize for it, and reform it, if we want to get along. She has embraced precisely the theocratic, collectivist ideology we are (theoretically) struggling against.
Of course, this is not unique. Many on the left have already done this. They, too, believe that America ought to apologize for capitalism, material wealth, success, strength, independence, individualism, and freedom, and they believe that we ought to curtail these things in order to get along with our enemies.
I am reminded of the story of George Washington at Kip’s Bay, when the militia ran from the British guns. Washington threw his hat on the ground and stomped on it, shouting, “Are these the men with whom I am to defend America?!”
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