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Here's an index (no particular order) of libertarian blogs that have commented on the Paul crackup and what it means for the libertarian community (not just the racial aspects or the political fallout). If I'm missing any, please send them and I'll add them.
Me, of course
David Boaz
Jacob Levy
Publius Endures
Tim Cavanaugh
Shawn Klein
Virginia Postrel
David Bernstein
Ryan Sager
Andrew Sullivan
Arnold Kling
Ed Brayton
Steven Horwitz
Radley Balko
Megan McCardle
Ross Douthat
Wirkman Virkkala
Jim Babka
Jason Kuznicki
Skip Oliva
Ilya Somin
East Coast Libertarian
Rolling Doughnut
Matt Welch
Glen Whitman
Kip Esquire
David Bernstein
Nathaniel Benefield
Tom G. Palmer
Windy Pundit
Fusionist Libertarian
Glenn Reynolds
Glenn Whitman
Ted Frank
several posts at Wendy McElroy's site, particularly this from Brad R
Right Watch
Wirkman Netizen
Classically Liberal
Just A Girl in Shorts
Radley Balko
Liberty Papers
Mutiny Baby
Shawn Klein
Brink Lindsey
Ron Chusid
Tim Lee
Will Wilkinson
Joel Gots Freedumb
Ross Douthat
Ed Brayton
Charles Steele
Update: Remember, I'm not interested in people defending Paul here, let alone people defending the paleo-cons. I'm interested in discussions of how the libertarian community is going to deal with this problem and stop it from happening in the future, as explained in my post.
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