Reason’s Shikha Dalmia gives us “five reasons conservatives should root for a Romney defeat.” Although I’m not a conservative, her reasons seem valid to me, and some of them echo my reasoning earlier this week:
1) Republicans are not willing to make the hard choices in replacing Obamacare with a free market system
2) Romney's unlikely to cut government spending.
3) He's pro-bailout.
4) His nomination in 2016 would kill the chances of a truly pro-freedom candidate running in that year.
5) The Tea-Party movement within the Republican Party needs time to incubate.
Number 4 is something I hadn’t considered, but it’s a good point. Nominating a moderate “compassionate conservative” pseudo-Republican at this point would perpetuate the big-government conservatism that the Republican Party must eliminate before it can be worthy of public office.
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