Feb. 1 - 5 p.m. Eastern / 2 p.m. Pacific - Freedom's Furies - with the Atlas Society - Online
Feb. 16 - 4 p.m. Arizona time - Freedom's Furies - at the Goldwater Institute - Phoenix, AZ
Feb. 23 - 6:30 p.m. Pacific - Freedom's Furies - America's Future Foundation - San Francisco, CA
Feb. 27 - 5:30 p.m. Arizona time - Freedom's Furies - America's Future Foundation, Phoenix, AZ
Mar. 8 - 12 p.m. Eastern Time - Freedom's Furies - with the Institute for Liberal Studies - Online
Mar. 13 - 12 p.m. Arizona time - The Indian Child Welfare Act - Arizona State University Federalist Society - Phoenix, AZ
Mar. 15 - 5:15 p.m. Eastern Time - The Indian Child Welfare Act: separate and unequal? - University of Virginia Federalist Society - Online
Mar. 30 - noon Eastern Time - Objectivity in the Law - Students for Liberty Prometheus Fellowship - Online
Apr. 6 - 5 p.m. - Freedom's Furies - Dartmouth College Libertarians - Dartmouth College, NH
Apr. 17 - noon Eastern Time - The Indian Child Welfare Act: separate and unequal? - University of Florida Federalist Society - Gainesville, FL
May 11 - TBD - Freedom's Furies - Hayek Group - Reno, NV
June 21-24 - TBA - TBA - Level Up Conference - Phoenix, AZ
June 28 - 3:30 - The Indian Child Welfare Act - Arizona Judicial Conference - Scottsdale, AZ
Remember, if you'd like to have me come out to your neck of the woods, drop me a line!
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